Customer Care
Contact Details

Open the Swiggy app or website and go to the "Help" or "Support" section.

Swiggy Customer Care

Swiggy Customer Care

Look for the option to "Contact Us' or "Customer Care.'

Choose the appropriate category for your complaint, such as "Order-related issue" or "Delivery problem.

Swiggy Customer Care

Swiggy Customer Care

Describe your complaint in detail, providing necessary order details like order number, date, and time.

Submit your complaint by clicking on the relevant button.

Swiggy Customer Care

Swiggy Customer Care

Alternatively, you can reach out to Swiggy's customer care number  080-67466729 directly.

you can mail Swiggy at their customer care email ID support@swiggy.in, or enquire about partnerships by emailing them at partnersupport@swiggy.in.

Swiggy Customer Care

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