
Vitamin E Capsules For Skin: Vitamin E Benefits, How To Use For Skin

Here we bring you some amazing Vitamin E Benefits along with some home remedies which you can use for face and skin. Keep your Vitamin E facts sorted!
Viveka Nagar
By: Viveka Nagar Updated: Dec 27, 2019 17:26 IST
Vitamin E Capsules For Skin: Vitamin E Benefits, How To Use For Skin
Vitamin E Capsules For Skin: Vitamin E Benefits, How To Use For Skin

A capsule that helps in fighting most of the skin related issues is, Vitamin E Capsules. Vitamin E is rich in anti-oxidants and nutrients helps in bringing back the glow of your skin which you've always wanted.

These days Vitamin E is available in most of the skin care products like moisturizing creams, Vitamin E serum, anti-ageing creams, dark circle creams, lip balms and much more. Well, Vitamin E Capsules is a power drug for sure. Vitamin E Capsules can be easily applied on the skin and not only that you can also consume it for skin and hair related benefits. However, in this article we shall be discussing some of the great benefits of Vitamin E along with the proper method to use Vitamin E Capsules on your skin in order to gain the maximum benefits.

Benefits Of Vitamin E on Skin, #No.13 Will Shock You

  1. Acts As a Great Moisturizer: Vitamin E hydrates your skin by restoring and rejuvenating the dehydrated skin and make it supple and flawless.
  2. Can Help In Youthful Glow: Apt amount of hydration helps in making the skin appear more youthful than before.
  3. Reverses Premature Ageing of Skin: Vitamin E provides that the apt hydration reverses the effects of skin ageing.
  4. Treats Sunburns: UV rays contains free radicals, which can even cause skin cancer. Vitamin E has the property of soothing down the burning sensation helps in curing sunburn without harming your skin.
  5. Boosts Cell Regeneration: Vitamin E has anti-inflammatory properties which helps boost the process of skin regeneration and generate healthier cells making you look radiant.
  6. Acts As A Great Cleansing Agent: Vitamin E oil can save the pores of you skin by protecting it from the dirt, grime and other pollutant impurities. Incorporate this in your skincare regime for that flawless skin.
  7. Helps in Healing Dry Fingernails: Vitamin E oil works as a great moisturizer which helps in drenching the dried nails and cuticles with immense amount of moisturisation.
  8. Helpful in Treating Stretch Marks: In used on a regular basis, the Vitamin E has the potential of increased nutrient levels which in return eradicating stretch marks.
  9. Lightens Scars: Vitamin E improves blood circulation which lightens the scars and help in speed recovery.
  10. Treats Dark Spots and Dark Circles: Improved blood circulation can help reduce dark circles around the eyes.
  11. Soften Your Lips: Cell regeneration property of Vitamin E, helps combating the chapped lips making them soft and supple.
  12. Treats Hyper-pigmentation: Nutritional quality of the Vitamin E oil helps in fighting the effects of Hyperpigmentation.
  13. Adds Radiance To Skin: Anti-inflammatory properties and anti-oxidants when combines with nutrients, they provide that glow which most of us desire for.
  14. Protects Your Skin From Harmful UV Rays: Vitamin E protects your skin from free radicals and helps your skin stay protected even during hot and humid days.
  15. Helps Tighten The Skin: Vitamin E helps in neutralizing the free radicals so as to protect your skin and tighten it at the same time.

How To Use Vitamin E Capsules For Skin Directly?

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How To Use Vitamin E Capsules For Skin Directly
Photo Credit: Istockphoto By verona_S

The best way to use Vitamin E Capsules on your skin is to take 4-5 capsules and prick them in a way so that you're able to squeeze out the oil on the cotton ball so that you can apply it on your skin be it face or any other part of the body. Once applied, leave it for 10-15 minutes, now opt for a luke warm water squeezed towel, so that you can wipe the Vitamin E oil and take a step forward in making your skin flawless.

This simple method will help you fight dark spots, pigmentation, sun tan, dull skin as it helps in repairing skin along with boosting the collage which in turns makes your skin supple and flawless.

1. Vitamin E Capsule With Yogurt, Lemon Juice, And Honey For Skin Whitening

Take a bowl and squeeze 2-3 vitamin E capsules in it. Then add 2 tbs yogurt, 1tbs honey and 1 tbs lemon juice. Mix them to form a paste. Prep your face by cleaning it with rose water or a good cleanser. Then apply this the paste on your face and neck and let it dry for about 20-30 minutes. Then wash pack with cold water.

Caution: If your skin is sensitive to lemon, then avoid using this remedy.

How Often You Can Apply The Mask: Twice a week

Benefits of this mask:

  • Treats wrinkles and crow's feet
  • Brightens skin
  • Cleanse all types of impurities from your skin
  • Improves elasticity
  • Helps in skin whitening.
  • Nourishes and moisturizes your skin
  • Reducing blemishes and dark spots

2. Vitamin E Capsules For Acne Scars

Take 2-3 vitamin E capsules and squeeze them into a bowl. With the help your finger tips you can apply the Vitamin E oil onto the acne scars and acne, directly. Leave this on to your face for overnight for maximum benefits. Wash you face the next morning with the cold water.

How Often You Can Apply The Mask: Can be used regularly until scars disappears.

Benefits of this mask:

  • Helps in repairing damaged skin cells
  • Reduces blemishes
  • Treats acne
  • Hydrates your skin

3. Vitamin E Capsule with Turmeric and Almond Oil For Dark Circles

Take 2 vitamin E capsules and add a pinch turmeric powder and 1/2 tbsp of almond oil. Mix it well until the paste turns yellow. Now with the help of your fingertips apply this mixture under your eyes and leave it for 20-30 minutes. You can wash the paste using luke warm water. This remedy works wonder when applied before heading to the bed.

Caution: Do not use this remedy in day time and head out of home as it will worsen the dark circle.

How Often You Can Apply The Mask: Can be used everyday before going to bed.

Benefits of this mask:

  • Reduces dark circles
  • Lighten the dark spots
  • Treats fine lines and wrinkles
  • Moisturizes your skin
  • Fights pigmentation

4. Vitamin E Oil For Treating Dark Circles

Take 2 vitamin E capsules and puncture them and squeeze the oil on your fingertips to apply it directly around the eyes. Once done, massage Vitamin E oil gently and then leave it for overnight for maximum benefits. Wash you face with luke warm water and pat it dry with soft towel.

How Often You Can Apply The Eye Mask: Everyday for a month atleast.

Benefits of this eye mask:

  • Helps in the fading the dark spots
  • Repairs the skin collagen in your skin
  • Reduces puffiness under the eyes

5. Vitamin E Capsule as Cleanser

Take 3-4 vitamin E capsules and prick them to squeeze the oil onto a cotton ball. Then with the help of that cotton ball apply it all over your face and neck. Wait for 10-15 minutes then with the help of a fresh cotton ball wipe-off the entire Vitamin E oil. You'll se all the dirt and grime on it and you skin will come out clean and healthy. You can opt to wipe it off using the wet towel to make sure that your skin is super-clean and able to breathe.

How Often You Can Apply The Eye Mask: Good to practice everyday for flawless skin even if you do not use makeup everyday.

Benefits of this eye mask:

  • Removes all the grime and dirt
  • Helps repair your skin
  • Nourishes your skin
  • Repairs skin collagen
  • Combats sun tan

6. Vitamin E Capsule, Papaya And Honey Mask For Glowing Skin

For skin glowing mask you'll need 3-4 vitamin E capsules, 4-5 tbsp papaya peel paste and 1 tbsp honey. Mix this all into a bowl into a smooth paste. With the help of a brush you can apply the mask on your face and neck. Allow the face mask to dry. Then you can spill cold water and wet the pack. Use fingers to move in circular motion to remove the mask. Then you can wash your face off that too again using the cool water.

How Often You Can Apply The Mask: This mask can be used thrice a week.

Benefits of this mask:

  • Lighten your skin
  • Repair your skin cells
  • Nourishes and moisturizes your skin
  • Helps to remove dead and dull skin
  • Combats sun tan

7. Vitamin E Oil And Olive Oil For Hyper-pigmentation

Yes you heard it right, Vitamin E Oil and Olive Oil works like wonders for hyper-pigmentation. All you need to do is take 2 Vitamin E capsule and prick them to squeeze the oil into a small bowl. Then take 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil and mix it with Vitamin E oil. Using your fingertips massage this oil mask onto you face and neck. Leave the mask for minimum a hour but the best results can be observed when left for overnight. Then in the morning wash your face with luke warm water and pat dry with soft towel.

How Often You Can Apply The Mask: This oil mask can be used thrice a week.

Benefits of this mask:

  • Repairs damaged skin cells
  • Nourishes and moisturizes your skin
  • Boosts cell regeneration
  • Reduces skin pigmentation
  • Eradicates dark spots

8. Vitamin E Oil, Milk and Honey Mask For Dry Skin

To eradicate the dryness of your skin, you will require 2 vitamin E capsules, 2 tbsp honey and 2 tbsp milk which you can mix them in a bowl. Then with the help of brush or fingertips you can apply the mask onto your face and neck. Wait for 30 minutes and allow the mask to dry. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. To seal the effect of this super-easy face pack, apply your moisturizer and see the difference over the time.

How Often You Can Apply The Mask: This face mask can be used thrice a week.

Benefits of this mask:

  • Lactic acid helps in nourishment and lightening of skin
  • Honey helps to preserve moisture
  • Rejuvenate your skin cells
  • Clears the skin to make it flawless

9. Vitamin E Oil and Lip Balm For Chapped Lips

Chapped lips can be a major turn-off when it comes to first impression. Vitamin E have come to rescue you to curb the dry lips issue to a great extent. To cure your lips, you'll need to squeeze 2-3 Vitamin E capsules and mix it with your favorite lip balm. Using your fingertips you can apply this lip mask onto your lips.

How Often You Can Apply This Lip Mask: You can use it every day to keep chapped lips at a bay.

Benefits of this lip mask:

  • Heals dry and chapped lips
  • Nourishes the skin on the lips
  • Makes them soft

10. Vitamin E Capsule, Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Oil and Coconut Oil For Skin Allergies

Skin allergies can be a serious skin problem to many and so here we bring you one must try Vitamin E skin mask which you can use to curb most of the types of skin allergies. To prepare the mask you shall need 2 vitamin E oil capsules, 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil and tea tree essential oil. You will also need 3 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil. Squeeze the Vitamin E oil from the capsule into a bowl and mix the rest of the oils into a bowl. Heat the bowl for 20 seconds until all the oils mix well and come altogether in single consistency. Then take adequate amount and gently massage on your face or the inflamed skin. Keep it for about 1 hour and then wash it off with luke warm water.

How Often You Can Apply This Skin Allergy Mask: Twice Daily.

Benefits of this Skin Allergy Mask:

  • Has anti-inflammatory properties and antimicrobial properties
  • Ease down the healing process
  • Provides moisturizer

11. Vitamin E Oil And Coconut Oil For Itchy Skin

Do you keep itching all the time? Here we bring you a super-affordable Vitamin E solution which you can use to get rid of the annoying itch. All you need to do is take 2 vitamin E capsules and squeeze the oil into a bowl. Now add 1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil into that bowl and mix them well to form one consistency. The oil mask is ready. Now take the oil on your clean palm and massage all over your face or any other area where you feel the itching sensation the most.

How Often You Can Apply This: Once every day, suitable during the night before hitting the bed.

Benefits of this mask:

  • Reduces itching sensation
  • Provides hydrates
  • Nourishes skin
  • Repairs skin
  • Reduces inflammation

12. Vitamin E Capsule Oil and Aloe Vera Gel For Dark Spots

Not can be more annoying than the dark ugly spots on the clear skin. If this bothers you too, then proceed with the mask to get rid of the dark spots and to enjoy clear flawless complexion. To prepare this you'll need 1 tbsp aloe vera gel and 2 vitamin E capsules. In a bowl, mix the squeezed Vitamin E oil and aloe vera gel. Mix them well. Then apply this onto the dark spots on your face or any other area and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Then you can wash the mask with the help of lukewarm water.

How Often You Can Apply This Mask: Thrice times a week.

Benefits of this mask:

  • Repairs skin
  • Promotes spot reduction
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Protects your skin from free radical damage
  • Nourishes your skin

How To Pick the Right Vitamin E Oil Capsule?

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How To Pick the Right Vitamin E Oil Capsule
Photo Credit: Istockphoto By AlexLMX

The rise in the contamination and adultration process even rises the doubt in our while heading to buy any drug for our skin. Same is the case with Vitamin E Oil Capsule. These days there are tonns of Vitamin E Oil Capsule manufactures coming from various brands but picking the right one can be a tricky part. Cheaper Vitamin E Oil Capsule options contain additives, such as soybean oil and glycerin, which are not harmful on your skin but despite this, you might not get the best results which we mentioned just above. The correct Vitamin E must have the eight chemical forms namely: alpha-tocopherol, beta-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol, alpha-tocotrienol, beta-tocotrienol, gamma-tocotrienol, and delta-tocotrienol.

Tocopherols is that form which you should hunt while buying the Vitamin E Oil Capsule for skin. Which means you need to look for the listed names while heading to buy one, these names are: d-alpha tocopheryl acetate, d-alpha tocopherol, or d-alpha tocopheryl succinate, as these forms will helps getting you best skin care results.

Vitamin E Capsules For Radiant Skin You Can Buy Online:

Here we bring you some best Vitamin E Capsules options which you can shop online without any hassle.

Genone E-gen Natura NATURAL Vitamin E Oil Capsule for Skin and Hair (50 Capsules) Amazon Deal

Genone E-gen Natura NATURAL Vitamin E Oil Capsule for Skin and Hair (50 Capsules)

₹ 232
₹ 325 (29% off)
Buy on Genone E-gen Natura NATURAL Vitamin E Oil Capsule for Skin and Hair (50 Capsules) Amazon Rs. 232.00
Best Choice Nutrition Vitamin E capsule for Face Hair Pimple Glowing Skin & hair care (10) Amazon Deal

Best Choice Nutrition Vitamin E capsule for Face Hair Pimple Glowing Skin & hair care (10)

₹ 149
₹ 195 (24% off)
Buy on Best Choice Nutrition Vitamin E capsule for Face Hair Pimple Glowing Skin & hair care (10) Amazon Rs. 149.00
Animate Aloe Vera And Vitamin E Capsules Facial Oil, 90 Soft Gel Capsules Amazon Deal

Animate Aloe Vera And Vitamin E Capsules Facial Oil, 90 Soft Gel Capsules

₹ 199
₹ 399 (50% off)
Buy on Animate Aloe Vera And Vitamin E Capsules Facial Oil, 90 Soft Gel Capsules Amazon Rs. 199.00
Herbal Veda En-Vin 400 Vitamin E Oil Capsule for Face Hair Pimple Glowing Skin Nail Care -Pack of 70 Amazon Deal

Herbal Veda En-Vin 400 Vitamin E Oil Capsule for Face Hair Pimple Glowing Skin Nail Care -Pack of 70

₹ 474
₹ 700 (32% off)
Buy on Herbal Veda En-Vin 400 Vitamin E Oil Capsule for Face Hair Pimple Glowing Skin Nail Care -Pack of 70 Amazon Rs. 474.00

Disclaimer: We do not advice you to consume Vitamin E Capsules in this article. We suggest you to seek your doctors advice before consuming the Vitamin E Capsules.

Vitamin E Capsules For Skin: Vitamin E Benefits, How To Use For Skin

Product Price in India
Genone E-gen Natura NATURAL Vitamin E Oil Capsule for Skin and Hair (50 Capsules) ₹ 232
Best Choice Nutrition Vitamin E capsule for Face Hair Pimple Glowing Skin & hair care (10) ₹ 149
Animate Aloe Vera And Vitamin E Capsules Facial Oil, 90 Soft Gel Capsules ₹ 199
Herbal Veda En-Vin 400 Vitamin E Oil Capsule for Face Hair Pimple Glowing Skin Nail Care -Pack of 70 ₹ 474
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Viveka is known to her friends as a movie junkie who is also a creative fashion enthusiast in red lipstick. She's passionate about writing! Be it fashion, beauty or movies she is pro. In her free time, she loves to play badminton, cook and binge watch movies. She's also a great observer who has a quirky take on various things, well only close ones know this. Nothing stops her from personifying the creative game.
