Tips to Keep in Mind While Travelling to Remote Destinations

Tips to keep in mind while travelling to remote destinations, List of things you must carry when travelling to a remote destination and Deals and Offers on the best and most reliable products available to shop online.
Updated: Feb 28, 2018 13:03 IST
Tips to Keep in Mind While Travelling to Remote Destinations
Travelling often entails exploring new destinations, assimilating experiences and learning from them. Most of us like travelling to remote destinations in order to take a break from the regular monotonous routine and refresh our minds. Travelling more often than not quietens our hearts and to fills up the void spaces within. Travelling to remote destinations can seem to be scary but at the same time travelling to remote destinations often proves to be the best teacher, giving us life time experience and lessons. No matter how adventurous you are, but travelling to remote destinations can always pose some challenges even for an avid traveller. Whether the person is travelling to a remote village in the country or going on a wild safari it is always important to keep certain tips in mind when travelling to remote destinations. Here are certain tips one should always keep in mind when travelling to remote destinations.

Things You Must Carry With You When Going To A Remote Location!


1. A Head Torch

A head torch comes in handy whenever you are travelling to remote destinations, where you can face the problem of electricity shortage.

2. A LED Portable Torch/Lamp

Yet another essential thing to keep in your bag before travelling to remote destinations is LED torch ot lamp.

3. Medicine Kit

You should never forget to carry your medicine kit along with you, keep your medicine kit updated with all the necessary medicines.

4. Power Banks

These days mobile has become an indispensible part of our life, so in order to keep your mobile fully juiced up you should always carry a power bank when travelling to remote destinations.

5. Packaged Food and Zipper Packs

Sometimes when you travel to these remote destinations, food becomes a major issue thus in this case keeping some packaged food and some zipper packs to store food is a must.

6. Air Pillow, Light Blanket and Towel

Though carrying air pillows, blankets and towel might not be considered that essential, but certainly having them with you when travelling to remote destinations can provide you comfort. You can get a sound sleep and comfortable bath.

7. Tool Kit

Another essential thing to carry along with you when travelling to remote destinations is a tool kit with all the essential tools like a screw driver, hammer and other in it.

Tips One Should Always Keep in Mind When Travelling to Remote Destinations


Get Yourself Prepared

Though India is progressing rapidly, there are certain remote destinations in the country where means of communication still remains an issue. There are remote villages without access to internet or even electricity. Travelling to remote destinations like these can be a really be challenging for any traveller. The best thing in this case would be to try and get a local SIM card. Since ATM would also not be available easily at such locations you should always keep yourself equipped with sufficient cash. Also you should always keep in mind to study the demographics of the location before you start travelling to remote destinations. Apart from carrying your regular smartphone you should also keep a spare handset with you.

Be Smart, Safe & Savvy

Generally travellers travelling to remote destinations come back with good experiences and happy feeling but there is always some exception to this. There are remote places where the level of petty crimes is comparatively higher than cities and town. The type of crime might vary from place to place, at some place you might get to see frequent clashes between the localites, whereas in some remote destination you can get to see localites standing against the local government. There are places which need permission from police and the local authorities to travel. Thus you should try to carry a sturdy folder to keep all the documents and important papers in place.

Stay Fit and Fine

Another major challenge that travellers face while travelling to remote destinations is healthcare. Generally in remote destinations the health care facility is very poor and most often these places are prone to diseases like malaria, dengue, typhoid and others. Most of these diseases are caused due to mosquito or improper maintenance and cleanliness, thus carrying a mosquito repellent and plastic bags to dump your waste would be a great idea. These places also lack clean drinking water, so the best way is to keep your own portable aquaguard bottle. Also prevention is better than cure so it is always advised to get yourself vaccinated before travelling to remote destinations and carry full sleeves clothes to avoid mosquito bites.

Study in Detail About the Remote Destination

Study in detail here refers to studying about the geographic location, demography, religion and culture of the place you wish to visit. This study will certainly make your travel easier and comfortable as you will be well aware of the situations and ready with the hacks to tackle them. India is a vast country with many different languages being spoken at different places, thus it would be a good idea to get your hands on the local language before travelling to remote destinations.  Some remote destinations may also be prone to natural hazards thus you need to keep yourself equipped to handle such situations. Owning a GPS tracker and map reader would certainly come in handy.

Set Up Local Contacts

If you are travelling in a large group then making local contact might be ignored, but if you are a solo traveller or travelling in a small group then making contacts with the locals would be a great idea. If possible try to find some reliable source of contact at these destinations before travelling to remote destinations.

Obviously travelling requires a good company, but these tips and products are equally important to make your trip safe, easy and comfortable when travelling to remote destinations.
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