TRAVELSPICE Hotel Booking Offers
TRAVELSPICE Hotel Booking Offers allows you to book rooms at star rated hotels at the never before prices. Now enjoy your tours without worrying for hotel expenses and services. For the best travel experience book your hotels today via TRAVELSPICE.
Updated: Jul 02, 2018 17:00 IST
If you are a travel freak and like to travel quite frequently then TRAVELSPICE has some great offers for you. The ‘spicy hot deals' offer from TRAVELSPICE ensures the customers to get instant confirmation for a particular location in real time at triple low price guarantee compared to hotels available anywhere else. Another great offer “SPICEUP” is being launched shortly that will give the customers a chance to enjoy enhanced amenities during their hotel stay via bidding system.
TRAVELSPICE is a bidding platform where the customers are free to quote their own price. The Triple Low Price Guarantee policy of the company ensures that the customers get the best rate at TRAVELSPICE. The customers need to pay the bidding amount upfront and then the notification is sent to the company's partner hotels, based upon the price the customer pays and availability of rooms, the bid is confirmed and if the bid isn't confirmed the money is refunded to your bank account immediately. TRAVELSPICE tries its best to confirm upto 90% of the bids it receives. After the confirmation of the bid, a mail mentioning hotel details will be sent to the customer's id.
Steps to Book Hotel Rooms via TRAVELSPICE
Step 1. Visit the TRAVELSPIECE siteStep 2. Pick your locality and hotel in the preferred locality
Step 3. Quote your deal
Step 4. Finally review your request and finalize your bid
Step 5. Read the Payment terms carefully and pay for your bid
Step 6. Now enjoy your stay at the star rated hotels at the cheapest price.
Perks of Booking via TRAVELSPICE
The best perk for sure is the Triple Low Price Guarantee Offer, but then this is not the end there is much more to the perks of booking via TRAVELSPICE:- Convenient and easy booking based upon your budget
- A wide range of hotels to select from over 230 cities in the country
- Gives you the liberty to choose your preferred location
- Since the list of hotels are shared with the customers, they know what they will get which reduces frauds
- If you are lucky enough you can get a higher rated hotel in your desired budget
- Comes to the rescue at the last minute bookings
- Get the best service at the lowest price
TRAVELSPICE Triple Low Price Guarantee Offers
Not only this apart from the triple low price guarantee, TRAVELSPICE also offers its customers upto 80% discount on hotel bookings and gives them the opportunity to stay in better start category hotels at lesser prices with the TRAVELSPICE hotel coupons.
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Hotel Booking
Hotel Booking Offers
TRAVELSPIE Online Hotel Booking
Online Hotel Booking
Triple Low Price Guarantee
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