Best Pregnancy Test Kits in India

The pregnancy test is a blessing for those women who are planning for a baby, as these pregnancy test kits help in them identify whether they are pregnant or not. These pregnancy kits check the presence of a pregnancy hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine and confirm the status of pregnancy. When the placenta is formed it releases hCG hormone into the blood and urine and then when these pregnancy kits confirm the pregnancy.
Best Pregnancy Test Kit in India
- Mankind PREGA NEWS Smart way Pregnancy Test Kit
- i-can One Step Pregnancy Test Device
- Pregakem Pregnancy Detection Kit
- Neclife Getnews One Step Urine Hcg Pregnancy Test
- Neclife Getnews Advance One Step Hcg - Midstream Pregnancy Test Kit
Just like BP monitors and Glucometers, you also get pregnancy test kits available online which you can buy and are just one click away. Below we've listed the list of best pregnancy test kits in India which are ranked upon the accuracy, hCG sensitivity and ease of use. Time to take a look!
1. Mankind PREGA NEWS Smart way Pregnancy Test Kit
The Mankind PREGA NEWS packaging suggests one-step urine HCG pregnancy test. Prega News is quite a popular and one of the best pregnancy test kit which women can shop online or buy at any medical store to confirm their pregnancy status.
2. i-can One Step Pregnancy Test Device
i-can One Step Pregnancy Test Device contains pregnancy detection strip and one disposable dropper. i-can kit helps you confirm pregnancy in five minutes as it can determine the hCG level and show the results accordingly. You can shop away this another best pregnancy test kit from the below link.

i Know Pregnancy Test Kit | Pack of 3 | 99% Acurate Results within 5 mins | Urine Pregnancy Kit at Home | HCG Hormone Detection Kit | i Can Pregnancy Testing Kit is now i Know Pregnancy Test Kit

3. Pregakem Pregnancy Detection Kit
Pregakem Pregnancy Detection Kit can help you unveil the good news of the arrival of the newcomer. This is another best pregnancy test kit which can be used you the ladies who have missed their periods so as to confirm pregnancy. To burst the bubble, shop Pregakem Pregnancy Detection Kit from the below link.
4. Neclife Getnews One Step Urine Hcg Pregnancy Test
This is one of the popular pregnancy test kits which allows you to break the bubble of being pregnant or not. Well, you can shop this urine hCG pregnancy test form the below link, right away.

5. Neclife Getnews Advance One Step Hcg - Midstream Pregnancy Test Kit
Another in the list comes from the same brand lets you determine pregnancy mere in 3 minutes. So, if you will get results sooner shop away this one step urine hCG pregnancy test from the link provided below.

Neclife Getnews Advance One Step Hcg - Midstream Pregnancy Test Kit(3 Tests)

Types of Pregnancy Test Kits
Pregnancy test kits are also known as home pregnancy detection kits or hCG pregnancy test kits. These home pregnancy test kits are readily available to shop online and come two types-
- Strip pregnancy test kit: This type is most commonly used and is also popular by the name of dipstick pregnancy test kit. It has a stream on which you can place drops of urine to detect the presence of hCG hormone. If the hormone is present the strip indicates pregnancy by changing the colour on the kit.
- Cup pregnancy test kit: Firstly, you need to collect your urine into a cup. Then place a few drops of urine on to the pregnancy test device, on the advised area. When it shows one line, your pregnancy test is negative but when it shows two lines, congratulations you're pregnant.
Pregnancy Test Kit Buying Guide
Pregnancy kits can be brought by medical stores and also online these days. You can buy pregnancy kits without any prescription or id-proof. Below we've listed some basic guidelines which one should follow while shopping for best pregnancy test kit in India.
- Picking the right type of pregnancy kit: There are two types of pregnancy test kits ‘Pee on a Stick' and ‘Pee in a Cup', you need to choose whichever suits your comfort.
- Over 99% Quality Check: Look for a pregnancy test kit that offers over 99% of accurate results. After all, you can't be unsure all the time.
- Easy to Read Results: So, if your new to the kit or using it for the first time, try to buy the pregnancy kit that shows the meaning of the lines, so you're not left puzzled at the end of the day.
Why Should You Use Pregnancy Test Kits - Are You Pregnant?

Why should you use Pregnancy test kits
This question may haunt you every month if you have seen sexually active and later missed your periods. To sort the tussle, we bring you some amazing ways which will help you detect whether you're pregnant or not.
- Missing Period: So, if your periods are late and doubtful about your pregnancy status, go ahead and buy a home pregnancy test kit. These kits help to detect the hCG hormone which is mainly released after successful implantation of the egg. If your test comes to be a negative indicating single line, then you're not pregnant and need to consult a gynaecologist for the issue that has caused late periods.
- Hormonal issue: Hormonal issues are mainly caused due to stress which in most of the cases disrupts the menstrual cycle. Make sure your hormonal stats are up to the mark so that you can be sure each time you take doctors consultation or opt for a home pregnancy test.
- Others: Other common symptoms are like little nauseous, extra fatigue, tender breasts, mood swings, constipation, frequent urination and more are few signs of pregnancy. You can take these mentioned symptoms as warning signs just in case you're not ready to start a family.
How to Test Pregnancy?
You can test pregnancy using the best pregnancy test kits in India as they are easily available in the market and does not require a prescription to shop one for yourself. These kits can be used to test pregnancy as early as two weeks after the conception. The other way to test pregnancy is using beta hCG blood test which is mostly advised by the doctors followed by an ultrasound.
How To Do Pregnancy Test at home?
Read all the instructions provided on the pregnancy test kit and then follow the steps one by one:
- Collect your urine either in the provided cup or in any disposable glass.
- With the help of an eyedropper collect the urine.
- Then drop by drop place the urine onto the area as suggested on the pregnancy kit instructions.
- Then wait for 5 minutes
- If one line is visible then it indicates that you're not pregnant and if two lines showed it indicates that you're pregnant and ready to bring in the new soul into this world.
How to Confirm Pregnancy?

Best pregnancy Test Kit in India
Whether you're planning or not, you can always confirm early pregnancy with the help of home pregnancy test kits which are not only easily available but also hassle-free in use. These pregnancy kits detect the presence of pregnancy hormone hCG as it mostly formed when successful implantation has happened and the placenta has started to release hCG hormone into the body, which can be detected either home pregnancy tests or by a blood test.
How does a pregnancy test kit work?
Home pregnancy test kits detect detecting a pregnancy hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine. Studies say that this hormone appears in a pregnant woman's urine after 12-14 days after successful implantation. The duration can go up to 20 days after the last menstrual cycle. After the implantation and formation of the placenta, the levels of hCG hormone rise rapidly during pregnancy duration.
Frequently Asked Questions on the Best Pregnancy Test Kits
When to use a pregnancy test kit to confirm pregnancy?
You can take the pregnancy test kit at home if you've missed your periods to get better and accurate results.
What is the minimum time to check pregnancy?
Minimum of 2 weeks time is required to test pregnancy at home. To get accurate results, the test should be done once you've missed your periods.
What time of day is best to take a pregnancy test?
The quantity of hCG hormone is found more in the first-morning urine than in other. So, the chances of accurate results increase when the test is done using morning urine.
Can I take a pregnancy test at night?
It's recommended to perform the test in the morning, as hCG levels are measurable in the morning time. Despite that, it's possible to have an accurate result when the test performed at night. The fact is, as long as the hCG levels are measurable, you can take the test at any time of the day.
How soon will a pregnancy test read positive?
After 12-14 days of implantation, results can be read easily. In the unplanned cases, you can check after you've missed your periods.
Can positive pregnancy tests be wrong?
Yes, if you've taken the test early then there are chances that the results can go wrong. Also, if the pregnancy test kit is defective the results shown may not be accurate.
What does a faint line on a pregnancy test mean?
The faint line indicates that the implantation has occurred successfully and you're in the stage of early pregnancy where you might need to take the test again after a few weeks.
Using pregnancy test kits, can you detect early pregnancy?
Yes, in case of planned pregnancy and IVF, you can detect the pregnancy after 12-14 days of transfer (in case of IVF) and sex (in case you're planning).
So, if you've planning to be parents soon and can't wait for the results then go and get your pregnancy kit test to immediately find whether there's good news coming or not.
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Best Pregnancy Test Kits
Best Pregnancy Test Kits | Price in India |
i Know Pregnancy Test Kit | Pack of 3 | 99% Acurate Results within 5 mins | Urine Pregnancy Kit at Home | HCG Hormone Detection Kit | i Can Pregnancy Testing Kit is now i Know Pregnancy Test Kit | ₹ 130 |
Neclife Getnews One Step Urine Hcg Pregnancy Test - Pack of 5 | ₹ 215 |
Neclife Getnews Advance One Step Hcg - Midstream Pregnancy Test Kit(3 Tests) | ₹ 199 |
Viveka is known to her friends as a movie junkie who is also a creative fashion enthusiast in red lipstick. She's passionate about writing! Be it fashion, beauty or movies she is pro. In her free time, she loves to play badminton, cook and binge watch movies. She's also a great observer who has a quirky take on various things, well only close ones know this. Nothing stops her from personifying the creative game.