Classical Indian Story Books For Kids: Evergreen Folktales For Bedtime

Folktales not only bring to the table a slice of one's culture, but also important morals and life lessons wrapped nicely in an interesting narrative style. Find some of these popular Indian classical tales that have been fascinating the young minds for many generations now.
By: Vaibhavi Mishra Updated: Nov 23, 2020 17:03 IST

Indian classical stories are a perfect mix of human emotions, simplicity of life, and morals. With an interesting and gripping narrative, these surely fascinate the curious young minds.  A time tested inoculant for imagination, creativity and emotional development in kids, these tales also bring to the forefront the richness of Indian culture. Find some of the most popular Indian folktales for children in the listicle below. 

Popular Indian Classical Story Books For Kids 

1. The Illustrated Stories Of Tenali Raman

Tenali Raman was one of the most brilliant Telugu poets, thinkers, scholars and court men in ancient India who was also a special advisor to king Krishnadevaraya. He was known for his extraordinary wit, intelligence, loyalty towards the king, and penchant for solving pressing challenges. His tales are a mix of humour, intelligence and wit, with each story giving away an important life lesson or moral in the end. The storybook includes 20 such fascinating fables of Raman, that'll make for a perfect bedtime story!

Wit And Humour

The Illustrated Stories of Tenali Raman: Classic Tales From India

₹ 189
₹ 299 (37% off)
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2. Vikram & Betaal

One of the most popular mythological stories of all times, the tales of Vikram and Betaal are based on Betal Pachisi, a collection of traditional stories and legends from the yesteryears. As per the storyline, the valiant king Vikramaditya is on his way to take with him the spirit of betaal from a haunted graveyard. On their way back, betaal narrates several stories and puts forth a tricky question at the end of each, which is responded to with wit, heart, and intelligence by the king. The stories are a blend of life lessons, morals, emotional dilemmas and wit. The book is filled with colourful illustrations and pictures, giving wings to kids' imagination!


Vikram and Betaal (Illustrated) – Updated edition 2021

₹ 87
₹ 110 (21% off)
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3. The Illustrated Stories Of Akbar and Birbal

Birbal is one of the most celebrated gems of the Mughal Empire whose timeless stories enjoy unwavering attention and fandom till date. Main advisor to the emperor Akbar and one of the nine jewels in his court Birbal was a man of extraordinary wit and intelligence. His stories are a blend of his effortless problem-solving skills complemented by his intelligent decision-making abilities. Wrapped in humour and entertainment, the stories present various conducts of life and morals, along with virtues of friendship and loyalty. The timeless tactics suggested by this gem are relevant to date!

Intelligent Tales

The Illustrated Stories of Akbar and Birbal: Classic Tales From India

₹ 179
₹ 299 (40% off)
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4. Timeless Tales from Panchatantra

This storybook is a collection of traditional stories of Panchatantra that bring to the young minds various virtues and conducts of life in the form of easy to understand stories. These fables seed in young minds the mantras of a happy, content, and satisfying life intertwined with morals and life lessons that come in handy throughout life. With animals as their protagonist, these stories come with a universal appeal. This book, in particular, brings six such stories that'll stay with your little one always!

Evergreen Morals

Large Print: Timeless Tales from Panchatantra

₹ 245
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5. Great Rulers of India

Indian history is filled with valiant kings who are known just for their bravery and intelligence, but benevolence and strive for justice as well. These kings are not just recognised as rulers, rather leaders who had in their heart nothing, but the love for their people. This fascinating comic book talks about five such kings who find a special place in history as well as the hearts of people, including Krishnadeva Raya, Ashoka, Chandragupta Maurya, Samudra Gupta, and Harsha. These stories not only seed the idea of good leadership in the minds of its readers but also the significance of morals and values.

Historic Accounts

Great Rulers Of India (1012)

₹ 370
₹ 399 (7% off)
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Why Should You Read Story Books To Kids?

  • It helps in the sparking imagination and creativity in young minds. 

  • It helps in strengthening your bond with your little one, and promotes increased communication. 

  • As confirmed by science, storytelling helps in the development of brain and consciousness in kids. 

  • It helps in developing longer attention span in kids, and ultimately concentration skills in the long run. 

  • Kids get to learn about the surrounding world, human emotions, and even morals through these stories. 

  • “Reading to a child in an interactive style raises his or her IQ by over 6 points," suggests a study published in Perspectives on Psychological Science in January 2013. 

Classical Indian Story Books For Kids: Evergreen Folktales For Bedtime

Product Price in India
The Illustrated Stories of Tenali Raman: Classic Tales From India ₹ 189
Vikram and Betaal (Illustrated) – Updated edition 2021 ₹ 87
The Illustrated Stories of Akbar and Birbal: Classic Tales From India ₹ 179
Large Print: Timeless Tales from Panchatantra ₹ 245
Great Rulers Of India (1012) ₹ 370
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A multi-media journalist and writer, Vaibhavi views the world as one big piece of poetry. Time and again she tries to capture this poetry through words, as well as, the lens. She loves to explore the depth of human psyche, philosophy, cultures, and oceans! Carrying forward this quest for exploration she reports on various beats ranging from tourism, culture, art, social issues, business, market trends, science and environment to technology. For her, the life mantra can be summarised with the catchphrases, “Hakuna Matata” and “Carpe Diem”. more